Fresh from staring in a Super Bowl ad, Kevin Federline has decided to throw his hat into the search game.
That's right. Move over Google, K-Fed is running a search engine. Well sort of.
K-Fed's search engine is being powered by which basically is a search engine which pays users by offering prizes. The prizes are offered by non-profits to users and the non-profit gets a take from the ad revenue. Prodege seems to be powered or "enhanced" by Yahoo somehow.
In this case it looks like K-Fed is taking a cut of the ad revenue for himself and offering prizes to his dedicated fan (I know what I typed).
After a quick look at the "here's who's winning" board on his home page it looks like most people are winning "Entry into Autograph Sweepstakes", "B-Day Party Sweepstakes Entry", " Kevin Federline T-Shirt", etc.
While those prizes alone would make any red blooded American want to flood Kevin's search engine with thousands of queries for Viagra and pen1s enlargement I thought I'd take a quick look at the quality of Kevin's search engine by running a few searches for things I'm actually looking for right now....
Query: Plasma TV
Results: Yahoo sponsored ads
Query: Car Parts
Results: Yahoo sponsored ads
Well you get the point.
Some queries I tried did return definitions, but outside of that all the results are sponsored ads from Yahoo. Only displaying ads will of course help Kevin maximize the return on his revenue share and pay for all those "Entry into Autograph Sweepstakes" he's giving away.
After Dustin Diamond's attempt to get us to "Save Screeech's House" and now Kevin's foray into the world of search I'm seeing a nice little "save the pseudo-celebrity" vertical developing here. Speaking of, does anyone have Bobby Brown's email address handy?